Some of you may know that three years ago, we got our sweet little dog Bailey. I was never much of a dog person, but Bailey quickly changed my mind. She is smart, obedient, doesn't shed, and is the greatest dog ever! We love her!

Well, weloved Bailey so much, we thought to ourselves, "Bailey needs a friend, she's lonely" (we should've just had a baby! Babies are WAAAAAAY more fun, and so far, less trouble)
Anyhow, that led us to Mikey, one of the biggest mistakes Ryan and I have ever made. Mikey is a purebred English Bulldog, and was the cutest little tyke we ever laid eyes on, the moment we saw him, true love- he was so stinkin' cute! So, we ponied up WAY too much dough (there goes my five year anniversary trip to Europe!) and we purchased this lil' guy- he was six weeks old (awwww...)
Yes, we taught him to ride a skateboard- he was pretty good- no Tyson, but he was on his way

Well, the honeymoon quickly ended...
He ate all of our furniture! Seriously, our beautiful area rug, chewed and peed on, he ate three out of six of our dining room chairs, and he chewed our dvd wooden armoire holder. We had to put down wood floors because he destroyed our carpet, we re-did our backyard, he chewed through the fence and ripped out the grass. Supposedly, English Bulldogs are supposed to be really good with kids, he would torture our sweet little Bailey to death! Bailey would be laying on her bed oh so sweetly, he'd come over and bite her on the face, the ears. He would try to eat Bailey's food. We did EVERYTHING we could, and we finally found a family to just take him off our hands. They tried to give him back! They now found a family to take him off thier hands... he could be on his fifth home by now. I do feel a little guilt, him getting passed around that way, but I truly feel worse that he cause THOUSANDS of dollars worth of damage to our lives. Oh, to think what we could do with that money... A new four wheeler perhaps? Europe for our anniversary? Add to Hailyn's collge fund. A few lessons I learned from this experience: the best things in life truly are free (Bailey:) and the second lesson is- looks truly can be decieving- Mikey was a wolf in sheep skin- the devil incognito! The only comfort I get is knowing that one, my house is in better order (although I do desperatly need new furniture now- really badly!) and Mikey is no longer torturing our lives. We still have Bailey and love her- and Bailey certainly loves Hailyn- a much better companion for her than Mikey was. Sigh. Regrets. Does anyone else have any?
I am about to paint myself as the worst person ever- but here it goes. We too, have a lovely rescue dog named Scotty. We weren't having kids for a while, so we thought Scotty needed a friend. It had to be another small dog (scotty is a chihuahua mix) because we were in an apt. We wanted to rescue another dog- so we searched, and Logan fell in love with a dog named Jack- a fox terrier- huge. And he had been hit by a truck and only could walk on three legs. It was seriously pathetic. We adoped him. Scotty hated him- I felt too sorry for him. He went back to the shelter two days later. We bought a girl puppy- Scotty is just too territorial for a boy- and haven't looked back. I still feel pangs of remorse for sending Jack back. Ugh. I'm horrible.
Oh Ashley, is it wrong that knowing I'm not in the same boat brings me a little comfort? Some dogs just do not get along, the families have to match, there needs to be a fit. In Mikey's case, we think he was a little too inbred- TOO close of family ties- know what I mean? Sigh. I know the pangs your talking about though. If you're horrible, I'm horrible too! Let's start a club! (he he)
I regret purchasing my overly-priced home in 2005 (at the height of the market boom!) with a 5/1 ARM, now I see foreclosure in my near future since re-financing is out of the question. I didn't know the people you gave Mikey to had to give him to ANOTHER family? Wow, that dog really is horrible.
Lacie- you are so funny! You gave your dog to a good home- even though he sounds crazy!
I gave a limping- hit-by-a-truck dog back to a shelter. Sad!
And to Laura- we bought our home last year when the market was "down". Ha! It's already valued 70k less than we paid! Crazy!
Oh we know! we WAY overpaid for our house too- during the boom- and tried to re-finance like ten times BEFORE the market fell. Ahh- I regret our house, and Mikey, and another purchase we made that we really couldn't afford. Sigh. Those are my three big regrets- 'if I could turn back time' right? We're in the same sinking boat as you guys- and it sucks! Ahh, I'm stressing cause I'm not working anymore- sigh,all we can do is have faith! Love you guys!
You guys are fun....I feel like I'm back in the day of young women's when you all would chat away.... difference is what your chatting about, cars, limping dogs and
Love your blogs.... all of them!!!
Heads up I tell my's eaither facing the tough times, or we could be dead!! I prefer the tough times I
It is like an 'old home' reunion isn't it? I love this- I am having SO much fun keeping up with everyone- I'm glad I was able to track people down I may not have been able to (or they at least tracked me down) it has been AWESOME! I know, our content has kind of changed- when did we grow up again?
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