Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1 month update!

Ok, so Ryan and I just took Hailyn to the pediatrician and here are some stats:
Birth info:
weight: 8lbs, 4oz
height: 20 and 1/2 inches

1 month:
weight: 10lbs, 2oz
height: 22 and 1/4 inches

She is in the 90 percentile for weight and 95 percentile for height- our baby girl is growing! Doc said she is perfect and all is well!

Ok, here are some updated photos of sweet little Hailyn!

Here she is on Halloween- she was a kitty cat! Meow!

Here she is in a sweet little tutu! She's so cute! Future ballerina!

She ate a little too much- here was the result! Gotta love that face!

She's so big now!


craftyashley said...

I love that tutu with the flower! How cute! She is one beautiful girl.

lacie tidwell said...

Thanks Ashley! I love that tutu also- little girls have the CUTEST clothes!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, now you're posting stats! I thought we talked about this Lace! Are you going soft on me?

lacie tidwell said...

Laura- I've turned into that kind of mom- I already told you that! Plus, not to brag, she is in the 90 and 95 percentile! My daughter rocks!:)

Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

Yea! She is so beautiful! Only a couple more weeks till I get to see you both! I miss ya and love ya! I love all her cute head bows!

Cheryl Whitney said...

oh....I've seen that messy face before and have the mess on my clothes to prove it!! That girl has a serious gag reflex!!! hahaha
Can't wait to see you guys tonight!! WOO HOO

lacie tidwell said...

Tell me about it Cheryl! Sorry she slogged you! Did she at least make up for it with her famous cuddles?:)