Ok, I just saw Ashley's blog and thought it was fun- so I am going to TRY to do a list of at least 100 random tidbits about me...
1. I usually order the same thing at a restaurant- I am a creature of habit and when I find something good, I'm scared to venture away
2. To contradict myself with the above statement, I love traveling! I want to travel everywhere, all over the world- my hubby says it exhausts him
3. I always secretly wanted twins- crazy right? I was always scared of being pregnant and going through labor and delivery (and go figure, all those things were SUPER difficult- not one part was smooth sailing) and I thought, twins, easy, I can get two birds with one stone- after having just one, I don't think I want twins anymore:)
4. Ryan and I went to high school (and junior high) together yet didn't date
5. I was a big student council nerd- class secretary two years, student body secretary senior year
6. I miss making the paint signs for assemblies and dances
7. I can make a balloon arch
8. I am a certified montessori teacher- 3-6
9. I want to open my own montessori school
10. I was homecoming lady freshman year
11. After being crowned homecoming lady, vowed I would never let myself get nominated for another royalty court
12. I ran track in high school- ran being a loose term
13. I participated in the 100, 200meter and long jump events
14. I sucked at all three events
15. I once bruised my schilles tendon sliding down the baister in my old house. I was holding a cup in between my teeth, I heard a joke on the tv upstairs in my parents' room, I laughed, the cup fell between my knees, I plummited down to the tile below
16. I never could dance the same after no. 15
17. I can't ever shut my brain off- I have come up with a million inventions, business ideas
18. I am a chronic insomiac- I have been since I was sixteen
19. The reason- stress, my mom's death was the trigger
20. Insomnia and a baby- fun for all! When I do get to sleep she usually wakes me up five minutes later- ha ha- it's working out :P
21. I had to go to a specialist while I was pregnant with Hailyn- she turned out perfect:)
22. I was in labor 32+ hours with her
23. I pushed for three of those hours- no drugs- no strength
24. I get the need to wiggle my fingers and toes- a nervous twitch perhaps?
25. I am writing a book-I have ideas for literally 15 more (my brain never shuts off)
26. I looooove ice cream
27. I like to bake- cooking- not so much!
28. I love to shop for tops- not pants (It makes for a dramatic effect- quite the fashion statement- haha)
29. I have to draw a chart to explain my family- it went over really well on dates:)
30. I LOVE dressing Hailyn up- she has the CUTEST little outfits and awesome bows to go along- it's way fun
31. To go with that, I love dressing her more than me (see the dillema I face in no. 28)
32. I make a mean batch of chocolate chip cookies, and homemade cupcakes, and homemade brownies- it's amazing my hubby is as trim as he is:)
33. My mom taught me that you don't know how to cook until you can make white sauce (I think I remember?-egads- I can't cook)
34. I am a sucker for reality tv- I love Top chef, Top Design, Project rumway ect.
35. After watching such shows,I then believe I can do what they do- I can be a chef, I can be a designer- actually, I can't
36. I read really fast, like really fast
37. I have number dyslexia, tell me your phone number, I'll switch two numbers every time
38. My mother-in-law painted my toes for me when I was preggers and could not reach my toes- they never looked so beautiful:)
39. My nails grow super fast- so does my hair- even before pregnancy
40. I love sleeping on my stomach- am glad to do it again
41. I have never been on a cruise- I hope to change that soon
42. I once brought a stray cat in for show in tell in the forth grade- it belonged to another kid in my class- I cried
43, To go among with 42, I rarely, cry- it's just a thing!
44. My hubby is better at interior design than I am
45. The only boy I've ever said I love you to is Ryan:)
46. I took 24 credits, worked 50 hours a week and did my montessori training in a year so I could finish all my schooling at once- I was worried about getting pregnant and not being able to finish
47. I'm glad I finshed (see above) because I was so sick with Hailyn I had to stop working mid-pregnancy
48. I was once sick 21 times in a day with her
49. I absolutely love dancing
50. I'd love to have a piano one day again (Hailyn's got paino playin' fingers!)
51. My car always has ten+ bottles of water in it- that drives ryan nuts!
52. I truly despise mean people, greedy people and fake people
53. I tend to call a spade a spade- it's gotten me in trouble a few times- ryan calls it the no-filter from brain to mouth (I'm working on it!)
54. On the same note, I truly NEVER EVER mean to offend anyone! I've learned to say only what I mean- and to try to do so nicely:)
55. I put ketchup on my scrambled eggs
56. I will NEVER paint a room with Ryan again- he can do it himself- he's better at it anyway:)
57. Ryan also makes the best pancakes and scrambled eggs ever- I will never make either for him- EVER
58. I've never lost an election I've run in- weird huh?
59. I love rockclimbing
60. I love shooting
61. Ryan got me a gun for my 21st birthday- it rocks! He also got a matching gun for himself:)
62. I love four wheeling at the dunes- new hobby for me:) My new favorite!
63. I love camping, hiking- nothing beats a campfire
64. I love theatre
65. I have seen the Phantom of the Opera Show here four times- blue man group four times, I have seen Danny Gans twice, Gordie Brown once, Avenue Q once, Spamalot once, the producers once (with David Hasselhof-ha ha)mystere once and Lance Burton twice- I'm sure I'm missing a few- yes I am a junkie
66. Target is one of my favorite places ever
67. I love old school madonna- not so much the new stuff
68. On that note- I also love Thriller and Beat it from Michael Jackson- I know I know!
69. I can ROCK the electric slide
70. I minored in Spanish at UNLV
71. I majored in English- BA!!!
72. I am three credits away from minoring in education- sigh whatev
73. I have taken the class for those three credits three times- and have dropped it everytime- I hate grammar! In my defense, it was advanced grammar and a 600 level class- ick! Still hate it- gerunds and what not... ick!
74. It's ironic that I could pass the Spanish advanced grammar but not the English- strange...
75. On that note- on our anniversary trip to Cancun, I spoke Spanish most of the time with the locals- it was awesome!
76. On the same trip, I, like an idiot, wore my Christian Dior $300 sunglasses into the ocean- a tide came, you can guess the rest- I cried for an hour- a rare time I cried- yes, I was stupid and learned a lesson
77. I got a new pair of Christian Dior sunglasses for christmas that year- not the same but cute nonetheless- still hanging on to them
78. I am now a Christian Dior sunglasses whore- can't enjoy them now- these will last me a long time though
79. I am a coach handbag whore too- I have three of them- it will stay that way a loooong time!
80. I couldn't relax on my honeymoon (Hawaii) ryan has since taught me to relax
81. I also cry more being married to Ryan (not cause he causes it- let me be clear- he's just taught me it's ok to let go and express myself)
82. I truly married the perfect man for me! He's my gift from heaven- I had to work to earn him!
83. I took a latin class- ick!
84. I unintentianlly dropped a whole dress size before I got married
85. Rain is awesome- it puts me in a better mood!
86. I am happy cuddling at home with my honey
87. I am also happy outside playing
88. my daughter dresses cuter than I do
89. I hate doing 'administrative work'- calling to dispute a credit card charge, dealing with paperwork- ugh!
90. I used to be crafty and now I'm not- explain that to me?
91. I had pierced ears, ryan bought me diamond studs, I put them in, my ears closed up
92. I never re-pierced my ears
93. Jane Austen is my favorite author!
94. I still kiss the roofof my cieling when I drive my car through a yellow light- it drives ryan nuts!
95. Fish freak me out
96. So do birds
97. and snakes
98. Ryan once came home with a pet snake- he found the snake a new, loving home
99. I can't wait to get back to my original pre-pregnancy size- well, lets go back a few years, my wedding size:)
100. I dyed my hair dark- and I love it!
I now challenge all of you to include 100 random facts about you- it was kind of hard! Now get to it!
Slow Cooker Salisbury Steak Meatballs
9 hours ago
Bart has to draw charts for his family too. :)
Fun list!
Wow! I thought I was the only one! :)
I can't believe you say egads! My grandma from Norway says that! Fun list!
I know! I just started saying it for some reason and lately I've also been saying 'good grief'- just like Charlie Brown. I have no clue when I picked this up, or why, but there you have it! I'm a goofball! Just call me Charlie...:)
It's a way fun word to say- give it a try:)
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