Sunday, November 9, 2008

A look back!

Ok, so I'm going through the million pics on my camera (ok, 500+) and decided I need to share some of our fondest memories from the year past on my blog, so it's a blogging expedition in reverse! I will casually start unloading all my pics, my life in reverse. Get ready for a falsh back extravaganza!
Only yesterday, I was massivley pregnant and enjoying the company of some of my closest friends and family at an AWESOME baby shower- here are a few pics from that day...(ok, so it was a few months ago) here's a look back

Here I am opening a few gifts...

Here are the letters I made for Hailyn's room, mathcing the awesome quilt Amanda made for her (the picture wouldn't download of the quilt... grrrr)

Here's a sweet outfit- Hailyn recieved the nicest gifts!

These are just a few pics, I'm having issues downloading my pictures right now- I love computers! Anyhow, I'll post more pics on flickr when I get a chance. Thank you to everyone who made Hailyn's shower to wonderful! We were overwhelmed with the generosity and love outpoured towards us! Thank you again to everyone!

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