Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz/ 70-90 percentile
Height: 23 1/2 inches/70-95 percentile
Hmm... Hailyn was in the 90-95 percentile for height and weight before, now not so much. She is taller than she is chubby- and I keep trying to squeeze her into newborn clothes- but she is getting too tall. Sigh. I am trying desperately to keep her little, but she keeps insisting on growing! But she is healthy and well and doing great. I asked Dr. Hodapp about her pulling on her ear, because she didn't have an ear ache and no fever, well, it turns out she is starting to teethe- yup at two months. guess it can happen! She doesn't have teeth yet but her gums are ripening! It makes sense because she has been knawing on anything she can ahold of! She also got her shots today. She did fine, cried after, no biggie.
Oh, and her beautiful strawberry blonde hair is falling out and in its place- white hair- just like Ryan. We were both toeheads as children and Hailyn is following suit!
I can't believe she can still fit into newborn clothes! 0-3 are still considered baby clothes! Now when they start walking and telling you no- not so much baby. :(
...and that Christmas card is soooo adorable!
Oh...I want to just squeeze her little chubbly legs.....
After they heal from the shots of course!!
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