Hailyn is five months old today- explain to me how she went from this tiny little bundle... to this beutiful big girl- it happened in the blink of an eye
I am a hardworking mama of two crazy cute babies... I love my husband, my kids, browsing pinterest, attempting to get in touch with my crafting side, baking, and working out if I ever get a minute. I loathe putting laundry (or anything) away but I love a clean house... so basically I am a waling contradiction. Writing is a passion of mine and something I do not ever get to do often enough. I have wonderful friends I also don't get to see often enough. I think they should come up with a way to eat all the yummy junk food and still be in shape and toned without working out. I have a BA in English and a Montessori 3-6 certification.
Oh my goodness she is a rockstar!!!
Just wait until she can talk... and walk! Like a real person! It's crazy.
She is so cute!
haha AWWW she's so darn stinking cute LACE! That's my favorite face...it's like "what? im adorable, duh."
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