Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Perfect Storm...

Wind, storm clouds, latitude, temperature, they can all coincide together to make the perfect storm, a storm that destroys everything in sight. Then after the storm there is a calm- well the events in my life are definately creating the perfect storm right now- and I am certainly looking forward to the calm...


Brandi Lyn said...

aw dear. You're balancing everything extremely well and sometimes "calm" can be boring. ;) Love you.

lacie tidwell said...

you're a sweetheart Brandi! thanks! I'm actually feeling better- it's been such a GROWING expereince (I am sick of that phrase but it's true) things are going to get better- only up from here right? he he! love you- going to miss you this week:( keep me posted!

Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

Lacie darling!!! Are you doing okay? I have been so out of the loop lately....(head in the toilet, you remember those days all too well right?!) I can't wait to see you in a week and a half ( I fly in on April 1st) and we need to go out for a girls night and you can tell me all! Know that I am thinking of you and hoping your storm calms soon....if only I was Storm from X-Men...I could fix that problem for you! hahah Love ya darling....hang in there!