I am doing a little research (for fun!) and just want to know- who is your favorite Disney Princess and why? Do you even like Disney Princesses? Please share...
I liked them as a kid- Ariel was my favorite. But as a Mom- not so much. The older Disney movies are kinda scary for little kids! I prefer the crazy educational value of Yo Gabba Gabba and Dora the Explorer. At least they're learning something!
I love Disney princesses, but Belle is definitely my favorite! About three years ago out of the blue a teacher and another girl told me how they thought I look like Belle. They had no clue how happy that made me. Seriously, it still makes me happy to this day. haha Belle is smart, pretty, and holds to her values.
I am a hardworking mama of two crazy cute babies... I love my husband, my kids, browsing pinterest, attempting to get in touch with my crafting side, baking, and working out if I ever get a minute. I loathe putting laundry (or anything) away but I love a clean house... so basically I am a waling contradiction. Writing is a passion of mine and something I do not ever get to do often enough. I have wonderful friends I also don't get to see often enough. I think they should come up with a way to eat all the yummy junk food and still be in shape and toned without working out. I have a BA in English and a Montessori 3-6 certification.
I liked them as a kid- Ariel was my favorite. But as a Mom- not so much. The older Disney movies are kinda scary for little kids! I prefer the crazy educational value of Yo Gabba Gabba and Dora the Explorer. At least they're learning something!
Belle --- my favorite -- always has been. hands down.
She is so smart!!
I love Disney princesses, but Belle is definitely my favorite! About three years ago out of the blue a teacher and another girl told me how they thought I look like Belle. They had no clue how happy that made me. Seriously, it still makes me happy to this day. haha Belle is smart, pretty, and holds to her values.
P.S.--I am so bad! I haven't blogged or facebooked in AGES! Soon I will rejoin society....hopefully and catch up on everyone's lives.
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