So, as many of you know if something doesn't come easily to me I usually become frustrated and move on- it's not a quality I am proud of, but I usually master things fairly easily.
I HAD to take Spanish IV, didn't like it but I HAD to do it- so I know I can do anything!
Therefore- I am on a quest.
I have seen several blogs with people buying $100 worth of groceries for $8 or 300 diapers for $20. I am envious. I want this. I am going to a class tomorrow to try and master this skill.
I use coupons when I have them and enjoy the occasional $3 off here and there- but I desperately want to stock up for pratically nothing.
I am aware this is going to take determination and patience. I am trying to learn from those smarter than me (Amber) and I plan on figuring this business out. So if anyone would like to share any secrets with me- puuhlease pass them on!
(My goals for the next three months: master couponing, lose 5 more lbs, finish writing and work out more- I'll keep you posted- and therefore I'll hold myself accoutnable) wish me luck!
Velvety Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese
1 day ago
Okay, so I hope you aren't going to pay to learn how to do this or pay for a website or whatever the case is. I have a friend here in SL that does Grocery Smarts but it is also down in Vegas by a girl that used to live in my ward up here. It is an awesome website that spells out how to do it. It's awesome! You should check out my friend's blog
She has the code for Vegas too so look at it! :) Hope that helps.
thanks Tristen! I'm not paying anything for this information- I don't see a need- but I will check out that site! thanks for the tip!
I am so jealous of these people that find these deals. I've tried it, and failed miserably. I can't find coupons for the right stuff- it's just frustrating! Let me know how you do!
I have been honing my skills, and I use which has the same grocery guide as grocerysmarts. I have done the big coupon thing a few times, but I am not super crazy about having a coupon for everything. But there are tons of sites to help!
yeah there area lot of sites but I need to find the stuff that I actually buy and how do I get multiple coupons? All I find is .35off ect. how do I make it worth while? The websites- I looked today are a little overwhelming! any help? what do you guys do? Ashley if I learn how to do this I'll totally pass on tips- I'm accepting tips from those smarter than me right now! keep them coming guys!
i started doing the whole coupon thing about a month ago, and felt totally overwhelmed.. but it gets easier! i swear! give me a call tomorrow after your class + i'll try to answer any questions you have! don't get discouraged! it's SO WORTH IT once you figure it out! in the last 3 weeks, i've brought home over 300 dollars worth of groceries/toiletries and only spent 1/3 of that!
give me a call + i'll give you my two cents :)
thanks Amber! I will take you up on it! My class is tonight at seven so if I have ?'s can I cal you Wed? It is overwhelming but I keep hearing success stories and I'm determined to have the same luck!
Love you goals. Let me know if you master couponing..I have tried and pretty much fail every time.
What kind of book are you writing?
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