I had Hailyn! wow time REALLY flies when you have a kid- I must be having lots of fun! While I am aware that I have 300+ pics to download to my computer and blog about all the awesomeness that is our lives, I'm afraid my once a month post about my daughter's monthly updates will have to do. While you may (or may not) be interested, it is the ONLY record I keep of Hailyn and what she's doing- that's right. I do not keep a journal (gasp) I suck at downloading pictures to the computer so you can only IMAGINE my scrapbooking 'skills' or lack thereof, and thus, I plan to 'get around to it' someday, meaning sometime this summer- hopefully.
fun note, March 9 is my stepdad's birthday, April 9th is my brother Dustin's birthday! usually Mothers day lands on the 9th (or around there) so Hailyn share's her monthly markers with some cool dates! Some awesome stuff happening at 18 months?
SHE GOES TO NURSERY FOR THE FIRST TIME ON SUNDAY! I'm SUPER excited, PRAY she isn't clingly and hope she behaves for the teachers and is nice to the other kids- not that she's a clingy brat, she is the sweetest girl ever- but she has a sugar/spice personality (like her mother) oiy! Ryan is beyond excited- he won't have to wrestle her in the library while I teach my enormous 4 year old primary class- and on the days he's working I won't have to drop her off to Ry's parents who were awesome in taking her so I could teach 'in peace'. I am nervous about when I have to drop her off on my own, and she'll be a terror and I'll have to book it to my primary class and pray the nursery teachers don't come find me! eek!
On that note, she is so BIG (not really, she's probably barely 20 lbs still- he cousin Mav is quickly catching up to her size and he turns one on Ry's birthday May 2!) she climbs on EVERYTHING and eats bananas like crazy- that's why we lovingly call her monkey! All of my friends seem to be pregnant or just had babies and I have to be honest- I am newborn hungry! I need I mean NEED to hold a newborn. Like now. So if anyone has one, PLEASE let me borrow? I'll return- maybe;) hehe but really I am getting that ache- Ryan tells me to make the ache go away for a while,thus holding other people's newborns will be my (temoporary) rememdy. Realistically, we know another baby is in our future, just not now- and no, we are not trying-yet:)
Hailyn can now reach stuff off the counter- ahhh!! this is a nightmare! I miss the 'sit the baby in her bumbo and she plays with her towes phase' but honestly I haven't hit a 'bad' age- it's all been awesome- Hailyn's personality is REALLY coming out and she is HILARIOUS! and SO SWEET! We LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!
but she is into EVERYTHING- the pantry, drawers, cabinets, and I am teaching her not to get into it- and it's not fun!
She had her first ear infection a week ago (and it was a double ear infection- ouchie) not bad- almost 18 months and the first time on antibiotic! goodness immune system! bless you!stay that way!
She LOVES Hurley and is often found in his kennel (pics coming soon! PROMISE)
Her words AND phrases: Paps, Hi Daddy, Pee-Boo (peek a boo- hilarious right?she actually covers her eyes and everything-love it!)jubajuba juba (telling us a story? this goes on for a long time!) I like that! (spoken VERY clearly) this morning taking her MEDICINE 'Mmmm thats goo (good)' LOVE IT! Ugy (ugly? she says this to Hurley and he IS ugly???)dog, doggy, I love that she's speaking in PHRASES now!
her hair is like a bad combover lately and she won't let me put headbands, ponytails, bows, ect on her head- sigh- this is VERY discouraging as she has the cutest accesories EVER!
She doesn't keep her shoes on either though and prefers to be barefoot (I get lots of stares sometimes at the playground- I recenlty found some shoes that DO stay on- holding my breath!)
Overall, we love our crazy, sweet sugar n spice monkey!
Slow Cooker Salisbury Steak Meatballs
8 hours ago
1 comment:
Hailyn is SO awesome!:) She'll have a blast in nursery. Seriously, toys, snacks, songs--it is Sarah's favorite part of church. Hopefully, there are some good nursery leaders that she will warm up to because that will definitely help the transition. It's hard to believe how fast our little girls grow up?! Seriously, before we know it they are going to be all grown up and going to college. Ahhhh--I don't want to think about that. I am getting over a cold right now, but as soon as I get better, we need to get together!
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