Wow! I just came back from the most bizarre and wackiest interview at a private school in my life. Let's just say- it did not work out- and I couldn't care less- I nearly jumped out of my seat and ran for the door- instead I endured an hour of listening to the strangest 'philosophies' of my life-while being attacked an judged for having 'hippie roots' (yeah I'll come back to that!) The more I learned about this institution, the more scared I became. I realized, I am truly out of luck when it comes to sending Hailyn to school! I have yet to find a school in Las Vegas that I feel compleatly comfortable sending her to- and keep in mind she is four months. Unless some drastic changes happen here in Vegas in the next few years, I am going to have to take matters into my own hands.
Ok, back to the'hippie roots'. Because I believe that children are all unique and amazing and special in thier own way, I am a hippie. Because I beleive children (and people!) are individuals wach with thier own unique spirit I am a granola crunching berkinstock wearing tree hugging hippie. If being an individual makes me those things then yes, call me what you will- I have never been so misunderstood in my life. So the problem still arises, where do I send my daughter (yes, three years down the line?) Where? I truly feel that several parents out there are in the same predicament that I am in- and it's a tough predicament!
What truly makes me sick is that these parents at this particular school are paying $12,000 a year (per child) and there is no logic behind thier educational system! Go ahead, show me the test scores that prove the children can regergitate information such as reciting all fifty states- but you have that child point to a map and SHOW me where is Nevada? What is a concerned mother to do?
Then I reliazed. I am a certified, expereienced, Montessori teacher. When I say 'Montessori' there are one of two thoughts that probably run through your brain. Either 'tree huging granola crunching berkenstock wearing hippie' or 'what is Montessori?' Well, I love granola and the environment but I am not a hippie!
So what is Montessori? Montessori is a philosohy of education that focuses on each individual child. Maria Montessori, a physician developed this method at the turn of the century when she was asked to design an afternoon program for poor children to keep them off the streets. As she watched and studied children, Dr. Montessori noticed certain traits inherient in all children, and designed a curriculum around these traits.
These traits inherent in children are the need to explore materials. As children explore with materials, thier brain processes the material and learning that is compatible with that individual child takes place. When I child learns a concept it is truly one of the most amazing expereinces to witness.
Another trait of a Montessori education is that learning is individualized specificaly for the child. A child is never bored or overly challenged. Mary may want to do a math lesson first thing in the morning because perhaps that is when she is most alert, while Johnny may want to work on his sounds. A Montessori approach allows the child the freedom to choose what he or she wants to work on. The teacher does keep lesson plans and does ensure that new lessons and new concepts are being taught, but the child is allowed the freedom to choose when to work on a specific lesson. There is structure for the children, but freedom within the structure.
Let me assure you, there are people out there who maybe have the impression that a Montessori cirriculum has no guidelines- or even a curriculum. I can assure you that is not true. I did not attended school for two years to become certified in a method with no curriculum- what would I do for two years? There is an extensive curriculm, I have the binders to prove it to you.
Yes I am a certified Montessori teacher. I recieved my training from 'the Harvard' of Montessori teacher education Center for Montessori Teacher Education-New York.
I have worked in a Montessori environment for four years. What I love about Montessori are many things. The first is that children are all individuals with unique and amazing qualities. Any parent knows thier child is unique and special. Montessori celebrates this fact. Another reason I love Montessori. I won't get into too much philosophy, I have already written a 'novella' but I will have a 'Montessori Moment' every Monday and I am toying with the idea of starting my own Montessori website. I truly beleive that there are many parents in the world -(especially Las Vegas) that are frusterated with the educational options. They are parents who want thier children to learn and grow in a safe and poisitive environment. These parents want thier children to be valued as individuals. For these parents, I offer a solution...
So here is my idea.
I HAVE to open my own school! It's ESSENTIAL! There are so many wonderful parents out there who truly take an interest in their children's education. Parents who (rightfully so) quesion why a certain teaching technique is used verses another technique. There are parents out there who want education to be a POSITIVE expereince for thier children, they want children to learn and grow and THRIVE in a safe and positive environment. I need to open my own school, it must be done.
So I have researched it, and I cannot get a business loan right now due to the econommy. The lenders told me I need to set up a school at home for the time being, show that parents and children attending the school have a vested interest, and then show the lenders that this school is essential to the community.
So I plan to offer an at-home fully 'furnished' Montessori education classroom and teach children ages 3-6 at home. My plan is to open in the fall.
If you or any parents you know may be interested in a quality, nurturing environment for a child to take thier first steps in the education world, if you want that child to have thier first expereience with education be a positive one, please comment on this post and let me know.I am currently establishing and preparing for the logistics of next year (class times, a parent handbook, school philosophy, prices, ect.) let me know if you know any interested parties and let me know if you have any questions (or encouragement) for me
Slow Cooker Salisbury Steak Meatballs
9 hours ago
I will be enrolling my kids in a year or so! Be ready!
....and by the way, Hallelujah! I have been trying not to think about the girls' school situation for a while now. It's depressing.
lacie, i think that's FANTASTIC! you can totally do it! i'm totally behind you supporting you + cheering you on!
this is our 3rd year in montessori + taylor is learning SO much it's incredible. i love how passionate you are about the philosphy behind it, because i am the same way. unfortunately a lot of people have a bad taste in their mouth about montessori because there are so many schools claiming to be that AREN'T. you know what i mean ;)
can't wait for montessori mondays! i would love more ideas for bringing montessori into the home. can you believe taylor will be 7 in aug.? WHAT THE HECK!
Wow, very awesome! Good for you!
I think that's AWESOME! If we lived there, my girls would definitely be going to you! Best of luck!
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