Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crazy Busy Wonderful

Since we moved two years ago and Ryan started his dram job, our lives have sort of taken a new routine. From end of August til January life is on fast forward. We have the start of school, then Hailyn's birthday, family and Hailyn's photos we try and get at least once a year- (that's it once a year sad huh? We take candids all the time- sigh) Halloween, Thanksgiving (a trip to see family!) and then Christmas time! That of course is ringed with secretly shopping, wrapping gifts, setting up the house, going to Magical Forest and of course Christmas! Amazingly EVERY year on New Years we take it pretty easy. We're talking pizza or Chinese food, a Harry Potter marathon and passing out on the couch by ten. After all the craziness I think it's the perfect way to ring in the new year! Then there is usually a break from Jan til (aside from showering my hubby with lots of love and chocolate for Valentines day) April (Anniversary) then things get nutty until New Years again. Still, I love this routine. This year there will be no break as I anticipate March to be pretty crazy. What lead me to this madness is the fact that darling daughter's birthday is in less than a month I havent got a clue as to what to do or plan. And pictures for her 3rd birthday. Sigh. Better get on it. Let the crazy wonderfulness begin!

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