Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Wow, life as of lately... insane. Absolutely CRAZY!!! And it's not the two kid thing- that's been pretty manageable (sure there are a few scarce moments they both cry but overall THAT'Sa piece of cake... The day we brought Silas home I had books- at my door ready to ship (I also have to tweak some things actually it's a whole ordeal and get the website up and I haven't had a spare second to breath) so that is a whole enchilada right there... then there's the newborn- I SHOULD just be spending all of this precious time snuggling him and loving on him yes? It's flying by- lack of sleep- I'm used to it. Really the two kids and one newborn thing isn't so bad (for me- knock on wood)It's this extra stuff called life... then we moved. Out of the house we have been in three years and thought we would stay in til we bought. When we had Silas we both felt I should stop working so the preschool got packed up and we offloaded thousands of dollars in materials. So packing a whole house and a school was umm a lot. Plus we purged a ton. It was hard to get my teacher brain to let go but watching episodes of hoarders helped a lot(my biggest fear and no I am REALLY good at throwing stuff out it is a phobia I still have- I like simplicity and organization) TANGENTS! Sorry! But yes, our entire downstairs we filled with donate and trash and it felt amazing. It was hard to let go of some teaching materials because Hailyn is at that age but I justified super important stuff to keep and realized my three year old doesn't need EVERYTHING. So yeah packing was a huge ordeal as we took breaks to feed the baby purge and pack. Oh FINDING a house- a nightmare. I REALLY wanted to stay in our amazing ward, but the ONE house we found (and was PERFECT I could've lived there 30 years renting no joke I would've been fine!) got taken 5 minutes before we got to it. We had no luck. Oh on a note...we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on april 24!!! We spent it eating panda express and packing like crazy (moving day was thursday). On friday we did sneak out for a movie and dinner (and then errands to run... more on that in a minute)so yeah we are in our new house we can afford now that it's a one income family :) and we LOVE it! The layout is amazing! If it was a three car garage and a bigger backyard I'd stay here forever no joke- The house... has two masters- one upstairs one downstairs. We claimed the downstairs. At first I wanted my babies close to me but Hailyn is sleeping SO much better now! She has the biggest room in the house and a bathroom attached to her room- potty training DREAM!! There is a HUGE closet all her toys go in so our house is no longer over ran with toys like the old house and there is a loft so she can watch a little einsteins or a movie and we can be downstairs (it sounds like she is never around us I assure you that isn't the case. It's just an awesome layout and she loves it and so do we!) Silas is still close by so that isn't an issue and the house is small enough (really for me the perfect size especially for cleaning) that we can hear him easily (and hello monitors) it's awesome... we still have a ton of boxes to unpack windows to cover, kids rooms to put together addresses to change.... bills to pay... life to live... insane THEN I said I would plan Ryan's little sister's wedding. To be fair I thought she would get married in like Sept. NOPE! MAy 26. For reals. So the errand running we did on our anniversary date was me getting stuff (so last minute) for her shower. So the sat after we moved I lost a day to her bachelorette and bridal shower. It was a blast!! But wow I was exhausted. Three hours of sleep (which I am used to with rookie school training years ago) I just think I'm getting old too... THEN that night we had a surprise birthday dinner for Ryan's 30th birthday... yup... it was a busy day (week really) To be fair I planned the dinner before the move... Then we had to get the old house ready to go... bananas. And as of now I am playing catchup on our finances, unpacking a house, and planning a wedding. In between life (preschool for h, speech for h, ect). It has not been a relaxing six weeks. I have to give MAJOR props to my amazing hubby- he's incredible. I am SO grateful he was able to take time off to help with me and take care of the kids, and pack a house and find a place for us to live (five minutes from my old ward- different stake and ward but still close!) and I am so so so blessed!!! So it's been busy... and will be the entire month of may. We have mother's day when we bless silas and hailyn gives her first primary talk we ar working on now and then the wedding. I also have to say I have AMAZING family and friends! my sis drove down to help with kids so we could pack... my friends have taken my kids for playdates ect so we can move and clean- I have had friends MOVE our stuff, help me pack, clean my house, bring us meals. I am soooo blessed. Another reason I am so sad to leave our amazing ward. AWESOME people!! Many of them are helping me with the wedding. I am so blessed. i have one friend doing the pics because she loves me... another is catering because she is amazing. I am so lucky to have such awesome people in my life:)THANK YOU ALL (if you are still reading this novel) So... I am looking forward to a 'relaxing' june where I get caught up on the past three years of crazy... meaning lots of editing, writing, scrapbooking... catchup time... wish me luck... SILAS UPDATES COMING SOON (he's amazing btw:)

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devis said...
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