So, my beautiful daughter turned 15 months in January and between Ryan's graduation and working, well, she just had her checkup two weeks ago... (I know two weeks late! ahh!)
So here are the stats: she is freaking tall! 70-95% (31 and a hald inches! sheesh!)
her head- I dont remember circumfrance but she's 25-50% there and weight.
Ahhh the weight- she's a skinny mini- 20 lbs! yep, she hasn't gained one single ounce since her 12 month check up three months ago. She barely qualifies to sit in her front facing car seat.
Regardless, the doc wants me to fatten her up a bit. So with Ryan eating THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of calories a day, I now need to fatten hailyn up- but not with junk. Uhhh ok. I'm thinking of adding Ryan's bulk protein supplement to her milk (JOKE OF COURSE!) but she is eating lots of things I can slab butter on! I am the only one in this house who can't eat Doritos and Zingers any time I want and it SUCKS! (not really cus Zingers are gross to me) but the same idea...
I want my hubby and my daughters metabolisms! it's not fair! On another note, here are some funny things about my sweet 'growing' girl:
She is now 16 months old today- awesome, I'm a month behind- ok so here's a combo of things she's doing!
She HAS to feed herself- HAS to! Curse and a blessing. It has resorted in me taking off her shirt (cus she takes of bibs!) so she can learn to 'feed' herself.She loves anyhitng that makes a huge mess, like black beans...another note she HAS to have two of everything- one in each hand- even if she's not eating it- perhaps for balance?
She has learned to say 'no' but fortunately she says it only when she's that's something right?
She DOES say thank you! so cute! (the doctor asked if she's saying any words other than mama and dada and uh yeah- this girl is a talker like her mama!) she also says doggy, up, Jen, paps, papa, and a few others I can't remember right now...
she is RUNNING! it is the cutes thing I've ever seen!
she is still sucking those two fingers- she has since birth
she is actually pretty obedient- teaching her not to get nto ryan's contact cases he left under the sink- but still...
She's really only difficult when she's tired and hungry- same as any human being! she's so sweet 99% of the time!
She loves to do what the preschool kids are doing. She loves to eat lunch with the kids- I cut up a corndog for her and she wants to sit with them. So funny!
She is super indepedant- she loves to twist caps on and off bottles, match lids to containers, open and close boxes, she even holds CRAYONS now and she'll lay on her stomach (like the preschool kids do!) and 'color' on a paper- this makes me want to cry. She wants to be like the big kids she sees- and even though she ony sees them briefly (She naps in the morning so I can teach peacefully and she's up in the afternoon) she still catches things here and there- at lunchtime or whatever. I'm lucky to have students who are such good role models to her!
I can't believe at her next appoiontment time she will be going to nursery too! this makes me want to cry a bit! I cant believe how fast it's going! slow down a little please! but she is turning into such an amazing little girl! I just LOVE her! sometimes I have to remind myself she is only 15- ok 16 months now- and she amazes me every day. She asks where daddy is when he is working and I tell her he's working, and she understands- mamas talk to your babies! they understand so much (more than I ever dreamed of so early on!) Ok, I'm a long winded mama but this is a lot for my 'journaling' ect and since this is going to be a makeshift baby book someday- bear with me!
Here she is sampling a lemon- she hated it- and yet kept going back for more- weirdo!
see? she has to sit at the chair with the other kids-
I love these two like crazy!!!
How to make a Personal Charcuterie Box
18 hours ago
1 comment:
It goes by so quick. You guys are such a cute little family.
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