The teething monster (Hailyn) has struck again... and after yet another rough night (there have been four rough nights in a row, with smatterings of rough nights here and there the past few weeks), I finally struggled to get out of bed at 4am... I groaned and put my head under a pillow- waiting for my usually self-soothing baby to soothe herslef to sleep. Well,my guy here got up with her and gently put her back to bed- after working a long day and everything. He just sees something that needs to be done and happily does it without being asked and without needing recognition- he is truly a partner. He truly loves being a dad, and he's a great dad, and hubby, and best friend-
Hailyn and I are super lucky to have this wonderful man in our lives! I love him!
(this pic was from his journeyman graduation dinner a few years ago... ahhh time flies! I need more current pics of us!)
*FYI Hailyn is always super sweet for her daddy- she is truly a daddy's girl- she will be cranky for me or someone else the second she is with her daddy, she's calm!
*DISCLAIMER: Hailyn has slept through the night for a long time now- so it's REALLY hard to go from a beautiful night of sleep to chaos!It hasn't always been this hairy and this too shall pass!
How to make a Personal Charcuterie Box
19 hours ago
I remember the nights and days well of teething.... as horrible as it is.....just know that it's a heck of alot cheaper than "braces".... ha ha ha
I love you!!!!! We need to go have a hot fudge sundae together at Tommy's Wood Fired Pizza!!!!
I miss you!!! -- love yo mama in heart
Let's DO get together! I miss you!!! lemme know when it's good for you and we'll get together and play catch up! so much to catch up on! Love you to pieces!
Heh. Teething is nature's kick in the pants. Why aren't children just born with a set of snappers? (as all the breastfeeding women cringe) I'm just saying- it would be easier!
Hope you get some good nights... preferably in a row!
thanks Ashley! (I write this as I am up at 3am- but it's my fault- I can't get back to sleep- she's doing good tonight- I just can't fall back asleep) When you brought me all that motrin I was like- wow- I will probably use half of that- uhhh three months later and we are almost through it- i swear I don't overly drug her-promise! so anyhow, I stopped breastfeeding once she started teething- yeah- too hard! and some babies are born with chompers- ouch! Hailyn's started early- huge sigh- anyhow wish me luck getting back to sleep!
You two are adorable. I love you guys so much. The dynamic duo ;)
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