Ok, our little munchkin is now four months old TODAY- ahhh! Time is going by SOOO fast! Well, here are the stats:
Weight: 13.4 oz 50-75%
Height: 25 1/4 inches 75-90%
Head: 40.4 25%
So she has slipped on the scales a bit- no worries. She was a chunck at birth and is now slipping into average- which Ryan and I both did- and Ryan and I are both average height/weight. She is doing great- teething like a monster still- Dr. said we could start her on rice cereal whenever we'reready to- probably this week. I am still trying to keep her tiny as long as I can but she insists on growing! She's amazing!We'll keep you posted on the cereal thing- ohhh and she got her shots today- ouchie! Here's a recent pic of our growing girl!
It's been a WONDERFUL four months- gosh we LOOOOOVE this girl!
How to make a Personal Charcuterie Box
18 hours ago
okay......SHE IS PERFECT!!!
I love reading your posts! I love commenting on the darling photos you post also...I can't believe how big she is getting.... She's not even going to remember me when she sees me again!!! auhgggggg
Sure love and miss you guys!
Love, mama cheryl
wow, four months has gone by so quickly! she's so adorable :)
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